Welcome to Elizabeth Hall Coaching

Women today all over the world are waking up from the trance of unworthiness (a Tara Brach reference) and are welcoming a new and more intuitive way of being with food and their bodies.

They are realizing how diets and scales have been limiting them and holding them back from connecting to their inner wisdom.

They are learning how to recognize and quiet the voice of the inner critic and connect with the voice of compassion.

They are becoming aware of the possibility for a completely transformed relationship with food based on ease, freedom, peace, and joy.

They are boldly and courageously reclaiming their personal power and cultivating resilience in a world that tells us we are broken or need fixing.

You are not broken, you don’t need fixing and you aren’t alone.

If the idea of finding peace with food and body excites you, and you would like to start exploring how this freedom can be yours, there are many ways for you to begin this transformative process.


Ways to Get Started on Your Path to Food Freedom

  • Read my blog to learn more about what it’s like to implement a non-diet approach to life and how healing our relationship with food can raise our consciousness (and why that’s the key to a life full of ease and freedom.)

  • Download my free Path to Food Peace Blueprint to help you navigate the major components of healing your relationship with food and your body.

  • Read my article in the Elephant Journal about How I Quit Dieting for Good.

  • Follow me on Facebook at Elizabeth Hall Coaching or on Instagram @elizabethhallcoaching.

  • Click here to view more details about my private 1-1 “Find Your Food Freedom” life coaching and mentoring program.

I look forward to connecting and hearing your story!


Photo by william87/iStock / Getty Images

Private Coaching

Are you looking for private 1-1 support and guidance as you rebuild your relationship with food and body? Do you want to learn how to reclaim your personal power and have more body confidence, self-acceptance, joy, and freedom?  If so, click here to learn how I can help. 



Download your FREE
Path to Food Peace Blueprint

I will always respect your privacy and will never share your email.