Thank you for being a part of The Body Confident Woman Learning Series and Daily FREE gift giveaway!
I hope you will return to these videos whenever you need to connect with self-compassion and possibility.
Below you will find the quick links to all videos. You will have unlimited access to the videos on this site until November 1, 2024.
At that time, you will have the ability to download the material to keep forever.
Transcripts have also been provided, and don’t forget to return to the healing meditation with
Julie Montinieri in order to connect to your body and your deeper wisdom.
Quick Links to Speaker Videos
January 17: Opening Day - Elizabeth Hall, Dr. Kim D’Eramo
January 18 : Day 2 - Connie Sobczak, Jenn Baswick, Stephanie Dodier
January 19: Day 3 - Elisabeth Kristof, Tracy Brown, Brittany Adelman
January 20 - Day 4 - Dr, Michelle May, Dr. Melissa McCreery, Nina Manolson
January 21 - Day 5 - Jenna Braddock, Holly Toscanini, Victoria Kleinsman
January 22 - Day 6 - Londin Angel Winters, Pamela Madsen
January 23 - Day 7 - Dr. Lisa Folden, Gina Pickersgill, Marcella Cox
January 24 - Day 8 - Eliza Kingsford, Roni Davis, Marc David
January 25 - Day 9 - Dr. Karin Kratina, Dr. Jillian Murphy
January 26 - Day 10 - Nicki Sizemore, Elise Museles, Maureen Whitehouse
January 17 - Opening Day: Host Elizabeth Hall
In this video, Body Confident Woman Virtual Summit host Elizabeth Hall describes how and why she curated a list of 26 speakers to share information and insights on food and body peace journey. The summit is about taking back your power from forces outside of you and finding what feels good to you and your body. During the video I:
Introduce the purpose and guidelines of the summit.
Describe who the summit is for.
Highlight the importance of individual journeys and discourage comparison.
Describe my journey with food and body and why I do what I do.
Remind the audience that speakers at the summit have different perspectives and experiences, and the focus is on finding what works for each individual rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution.
Share how The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz provides a framework for how I approach my life and how to approach this work.
You can access the transcript for this session by clicking here.
January 17 - Opening Day: Dr. Kim D’Eramo
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Kim D’Eramo D.O. Physician, bestselling author of The MindBody Toolkit, and founder of The American Institute of MindBody Medicine.
Episode: 5 Myths About Femininity that Keep Women Stuck and Sick
In the episode we explore:
Dr. Kim’s Personal Journey to Mind-Body Healing
The Power of Surrender and Trust in Healing
Understanding the Value of Masculine and Feminine Energies
The Power of Receiving and Letting Go
The 5 Myths about femininity
You can access the transcript for this session by clicking here.
January 18 - Day Two: Connie Sobczak
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Connie Sobczak, Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Body Positive.
Episode: Embracing Your Authentic Self: A Conversation with Co-founder of The Body Positive Connie Sobczak
In the episode we explore:
Connie's Personal Journey and Struggles
The Importance of Community and Awareness
The Journey to Self-Love
The Impact of Aging and Life Changes
The Power of Language and Self-Talk
Embracing Your Authentic Self
You can access Connie’s free gift from The Body Positive, Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty Online Course, by clicking here. And a SECOND free gift, The Wild Woman Guidebook, by clicking here.
January 18 - Day Two: Jenn Baswick
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Jenn Baswick, Non-diet Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, and founder of The Intuitive Nutritionist.
Episode: Body Confidence, Food Freedom, and Intuitive Eating with The Intuitive Nutritionist Jenn Baswick
In the episode we explore:
The Turning Point: Discovering Intuitive Eating
The Role of Spirituality in Healing
Connecting to Body Wisdom and Intuitive Eating
Practical Tips for Embodying Intuitive Eating
The Importance of Nonjudgmental Self-Observation
Identifying Root Causes of Emotional Eating
Practical Steps to Start Your Food Freedom Journey
You can access Jenn’s free gift, Why Do You Binge Eat? FREE Quiz + Tailored Guidance, by clicking here.
January 18 - Day Two: Stephanie Dodier
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Stephanie Dodier, Clinical Nutritionist CNP, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry.
Episode: Discover how to Reclaim Your Power and Free Yourself from Diet Culture : Insights from Clinical Nutritionist Stephanie Dodier
In the episode we explore:
Exploring the Impact of Diet Culture and Body Image
The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching in Changing Eating Habits
The Power of Shifting Belief Systems
Empowering Women through Feminism and Dismantling Diet Culture
Introduction to Body Neutrality
The Power of Choice and Intention
You can access Stephanie’s free gift, the UnDiet Your Life Quiz, by clicking here.
January 19 - Day Three - Elisabeth Kristof
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Elisabeth Kristof, Expert in nervous system health for trauma resolution and behavior change.
Episode: The Neuroscience of Food and Body Confidence: A Conversation with Elisabeth Kristof
In the episode we explore:
Understanding the Role of the Nervous System in Eating Behaviors
The Impact of Trauma on Nervous System and Behavior
The Concept of Neuroplasticity and Its Implications
The Harmful Effects of Diet Culture
Practical Tools for Nervous System Training
The Possibility of Full Recovery from Maladaptive Food Behaviors
You can access Elisabeth’s free gift, Two weeks free trial to learn about neuro tools on the Brain Based Wellness website, by clicking here.
January 19 - Day Three - Tracy Brown
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Tracy Brown, Trauma informed nutrition therapist/eating disorder dietitian and stress recovery coach.
Episode: Healing Your Relationship with Food: Insights from Trauma-Informed Nutrition Therapist Tracy Brown
In the episode we explore:
Understanding Chronic Dieting and Body Image Struggles
Exploring the Function of Chronic Dieting
The Emotional Connection to Body Image
The Impact of Early Life Experiences on Body Image
The Role of Food in Emotional Regulation
The Importance of Self-Awareness in Shifting Behaviors
The Role of Compassion in Healing Body Image Issues
You can access Tracy’s free gift, Feel Safer in Your Skin, by clicking here.
January 19 - Day Three - Brittany Adelman
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Brittany Adelman, MentalHealth Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Expert
Episode: Embracing an Abundant Mindset for Mental Health Through Nutrition
In the episode we explore:
Understanding Individuality in Nutrition
The Role of Food in Mental Health
How ADHD can impact our relationship with food
The Importance of Personalized Nutrition
The Balance Between Structure and Flexibility in Nutrition
You can access Brittany’s free gift, "Your Mood on Food" Guide, by clicking here.
January 20 - Day 4 - Dr. Michelle May
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Michelle May, Physician, mindful eating speaker, and recovered yo-yo dieter, award winning author of the Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat book series
Episode: Breaking the Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle: A Mindful Approach to Eating with Dr. Michelle May
In the episode we explore:
Dr. May's Personal Journey and Approach to Mindful Eating
The Struggles of Diet Culture and the Lightbulb Moment
Understanding Mindful Eating and its Difference from Intuitive Eating
The First Steps to Mindful Eating
The Role of Mindfulness in Achieving Well-Being
The Journey and Benefits to Becoming a Mindful Eater
You can access Dr. May’s free gift, Free download of chapter 1 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat, by clicking here.
January 20 - Day 4 - Dr. Melissa McCreery
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Melissa McCreery, Psychologist, emotional eating expert, author, host of the Too Much on Her Plate podcast
Episode: Discovering Hidden Hungers: A Conversation about Emotional Eating with Dr. Melissa McCreery
In the episode we explore:
Understanding Emotional Eating and its Causes
The Role of Diet Culture in Shaping Our Beliefs
The Impact of Deprivation Thinking
Addressing Hidden Hungers
Untangling Overeating and Weight Concerns
The Role of Self-Compassion in Overcoming Emotional Eating
The Importance of Non-Scale Victories
The Power of Trust in Your Body
You can access Dr. McCreery’s free gift, The Freedom from Overeating Workshop Series for Smart, Busy Women 9online): If you’re a smart woman who secretly wonders whether it’s really possible to change your overeating or emotional eating habits, the Freedom from Overeating Workshop Series is for you. Join psychologist Dr. Melissa McCreery for this live, online event and learn powerful strategies to take your power back from food, from cravings, and from that urge to wander into the kitchen and mindlessly eat all the snacks. Take advantage of this special invitation and reserve your free seat by clicking here.
January 20 - Day 4 - Nina Manolson
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Nina Manolson, Body peace coach, helping people end the war with their bodies
Episode: Finding Body Peace During the Aging Process: A Conversation with Body Peace Coach Nina Manolson
In the episode we explore:
Understanding the Layers of Body Peace
The Struggle with Orthorexia
Accepting Change and Aging
Navigating Stressful Situations with Body Peace
The Importance of Listening to Your Body
The Impact of Diet Culture
Practicing Body Peace
You can access Nina’s free gift, Practicing Body-Peace® Journal, by clicking here.
January 21 - Day Five - Jenna Braddock
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Jenna Braddock, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics and ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
Episode: Self-Awareness & Eating: Utilizing the Enneagram for Nutritional Self-discovery with Nutritionist Jenna Braddock
In the episode we explore:
Understanding Jenna Braddock's Approach to support health and well being
Challenges in Nutrition for Athletes
Discussion on Enneagram and its Impact on Food Relationship
Exploring Enneagram Type One
Applying Enneagram Insights to Eating Habits
You can access Jenna’s free gift, Enneagram & Eating Resources Worksheet, by clicking here.
January 21 - Day Five - Holly Toscanini
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Holly Toscanini, Certified life and health coach
Episode: Rediscover the Power of Self-Trust and Embrace Your Body: Lessons from Certified Life & Health Coach Holly Toscanini
In the episode we explore:
The Concept of 'Lose the Wait'
Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams by Moving Away from Restriction
Common Challenges and Misconceptions in Adopting a Non-Diet Lifestyle
Introducing Intuitive Eating
The Fear of Unconditional Permission to Eat
Reconnecting with Your Intuition
You can access Holly’s free gift, Embracing Emotional Eating: A Journey to Body Acceptance and Food Freedom, by clicking here.
January 21 - Day Five - Victoria Kleinsman
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Victoria Kleinsman, Food Freedom & Body Love Coach
Episode: Finding True Self-Love: A Conversation with Food Freedom and Body Love Coach Victoria Kleinsman
In the episode we explore:
Understanding the Concept of Complete Recovery from Eating Issues
Exploring the Concept of Self-Love in Recovery
The Importance of Detaching Self-Worth from Physical Appearance
Overcoming the Fear of Weight Gain
The Importance of Receiving Love and Abundance
The First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food
You can access Victoria’s free gift, Free taste test, by clicking here.
January 22 - Day Six - Londin Angel Winters
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Londin Angel Winters, Author, teacher, and thought leader in the conversation of sacred intimacy
Episode: Embracing Sacred Intimacy: Coming Out of Shame About Your Bodies Yearnings
In the episode we explore:
The Struggle with Body Image
Finding Liberation through Sacred Intimacy
The Role of Food in Numbing Pain
The Connection between Food and Sacred Intimacy
Overcoming Body Image Issues and Embracing Attraction Beyond Surface
The Power of Vulnerability and Bringing Shame into the Light
The Journey of Building a Sacred Relationship with Food and Intimacy
You can access Londin’s free gift, 100% Off Attracting Your Beloved Online Course. Use code "LOVE" at checkout by clicking here.
January 22 - Day Six - Pamela Madsen
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Pamela Madsen, Somatic Wellness Educator with a Master's degree in Education
Episode: Reclaiming Body Confidence: The Power of Female Desire with Somatic Wellness Educator Pamela Madsen
In the episode we explore:
Pamela Madsen's Journey to Body Confidence
The Impact of Infertility on Body Image
The Power of Touch in Body Acceptance
The Importance of Sisterhood in Body Acceptance
The Impact of Sexological Bodywork
Overcoming Body Dysmorphia and Eating Disorders
Embracing Aging and Body Changes
You can access Pamela’s free gift, Mind, Heart, Belly, Vulva Online Course, by clicking here. Use the code “CONFIDENT” at checkout for free access.
January 23 - Day Seven - Dr. Lisa Folden
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Lisa Folden, Licensed physical therapist, NASM certified behavior change specialist and Anti-diet Health & Body Image Coach
Episode: Celebrating Movement and Body Diversity with Dr. Lisa Folden
In the episode we explore:
Dr. Lisa Folden's Personal Journey with Body Image and Fitness
Balancing Healthier Lifestyle with Avoiding Toxic Diet Culture
Introduction to WeShape and its Approach to Fitness
The Role of Slow, Foundational Movements in Fitness
The Importance of Being Weight Neutral in Fitness
The Importance of Advocacy in Medical Settings
You can access Dr. Lisa’s free gift, by clicking here.
January 23 - Day Seven - Gina Pickersgill
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Gina Pickersgill, Former model, fitness instructor and current Havening Practitioner
Episode: Body Confidence and Emotional Healing using Havening Techniques with Gina Pickersgill
In the episode we explore:
Gina's Personal Journey and Relationship with Body Image
Transition from Modeling to Fitness and Wellness
Understanding Havening Techniques
Practical Demonstration of Havening Techniques
You can access Gina’s free gift, Nurturing Body Confidence, by clicking here.
January 23 - Day Seven - Marcella Cox
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Marcella Cox, Certified IFS Therapist and Approved Clinical Consultant, Somatic IFS Therapist, Certified Body Trust Provider, CEDS-S
Episode: Understanding Your Internal Family Systems for Body Confidence and Food Freedom
In the episode we explore:
Understanding Internal Family Systems Therapy
The Healing Power of Self in IFS
Applying IFS to Food and Body Issues
The Power of Choice
Practical Exercise to Understand Our Parts
The Ongoing Dialogue with Our Parts
You can access Marcella’s free gift, IFS Meditation: Getting to Know A Manager, by clicking here.
January 24 - Day Eight - Eliza Kingsford
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Eliza Kingsford, Eliza is a licensed holistic psychotherapist passionate about sustainable behavior change.
Episode: The Middle Ground: Exploring Weight Loss from a Diet and Non-Diet Perspective
In the episode we explore:
The Polarizing Nature of Diet and Non-Diet Paradigms
The Impact of Diet Culture and Non-Diet Culture
The Role of Shame in Diet and Non-Diet Cultures
The Individual vs Collective Experience
The Importance of Individual Choice
The Power of Uncoupling Beliefs
You can access Eliza’s free gift, 14-Day Jumpstart Program, by clicking here.
January 24 - Day Eight - Roni Davis
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Roni Davis. Roni is a Coach, writer, speaker, and creator of Embodied Cognitive Eating Training (E-CET).
Episode: Reframing Weight-loss Goals: A Discussion with Ronnie Davis on Achieving Body Confidence
In the episode we explore:
Roni's Personal Journey: Early Struggles with Weight and Body Confidence
The Impact of External Validation and the Fitness Industry
The Impact of Dieting and Exercise on Self-Worth
The Shift from Weight Focus to Self-Care
The Magic of Focusing on How We Feel
The Misinterpretation of 'Permission' in Eating
The Connection Crisis: Understanding the Real Struggle
You can access Roni’s free gift, Fear or love? Uncover the hidden drivers behind food choices, by clicking here.
January 24 - Day Eight - Marc David
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Marc David. Marc is a best selling author and The Founder of The Institute for The Psychology of Eating.
Episode: Understanding Your Eating Archetypes for A Healthier Relationship with Food
In the episode we explore:
Who do People Struggle with Dieting and Weight Loss
Understanding All 8 Eating Archetypes
Breaking Free from Food Guilt
Embracing All Archetypes for a Balanced Eating Journey
You can access Marc’s free gift, The 8 Eating Archetypes Self-Discovery Tool, by clicking here.
January 25 - Day Nine - Dr. Karin Kratina
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Karin Kratina. Dr. Kratina is a nationally recognized nutrition therapist and author of one of the first non-diet texts, Moving Away From Diets.
Episode: Using “The Theory of Expando Thighs” to Transform Food and Body Angst: A Conversation with Dr Karin Kratina
In the episode we explore:
An innovative approach to healing food issues and decoding body image insecurities
The importance of reconnecting with our bodies
Moving away from negativity and diet culture
The concept of 'fat feelings'
Step-by-step process of decoding fat feelings.
You can access Dr. Kratina’s free gift, The Theory of Expando Thighs Handout, by clicking here.
January 25 - Day Nine - Dr. Jillian Murphy
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Dr. Jillian Murphy. Dr. Jillian Murphy is a naturopathic doctor with experience in the Intuitive Eating, Eating Disorder, and Health at Every Size spaces.
Episode: Exploring the 'Healthy-ish' Lifestyle with Dr.Jillian Murphy
In the episode we explore:
Health and authenticity
How the idea of health can be personalized to different individuals based on their particular needs and values, rather than a one-size-fits-all
The idea of "discernment" in defining health
Making informed decisions about personal wellness
Reducing Societal Pressures around health and wellness
You can access Dr. Jillian’s free gift, Free 2 Week Intro to Healthy-ish Email Series, by clicking here.
January 26 - Day 10 - Nicki Sizemore
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Nicki Sizemore. Writer, cookbook author and educator. Host of the podcast Mind, Body, Spirit, FOOD
Episode Title: Rekindling Your Love for Food: A Conversation with Cookbook Author Nicki Sizemore.
In the episode we explore:
Intro Exploring Nicki's Childhood Relationship with Food
The Struggle with Eating Disorders and the Path to Recovery
Confronting Past Struggles and Embracing Personal Growth
The Role of Conditioning and Self-Worth in Food Relationships
The Importance of Rituals and Mindfulness in Cooking and Eating
You can access Nicki’s free gift, Free Newsletter Subscription + Full Recipe Archive, by clicking here.
January 26 - Day Ten - Elise Museles
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Elise Museles. Elise Museles holds four certificates in holistic health and integrative healing and hosts the popular podcast Once Upon a Food Story.
Episode: Understanding and Rewriting Your Food Story with Elise Museles
In the episode we explore:
The Power of Identifying Your Food Story
The Role of Compassion in Food Story
The Journey of Overcoming Food Story Challenges
The Importance of Mindset in Food Story
The Power of Small Changes in Food Story
You can access Elise’s free gift, 5 Easy Ways to Stop Stressing About Food by clicking here.
January 26 - Day 10 - Maureen Whitehouse
In this video, Elizabeth Hall speaks with Maureen Whitehouse. Spiritual teacher & expert in eco-spiritual nutrition.
Episode: Nutrition, Consciousness and Self-Love: A Journey to Enlightened Eating
In the episode we explore:
The Connection Between Spirituality and Food
The Five Steps to Loving Your Food
The Challenge of Detachment from Outcomes
Appreciating the Experience of Eating
The Struggle of Perfection and Performance
The Fear of Embracing Our True Selves
The Journey to Self-Love and Acceptance
You can access Maureen’s free gift, Mind, Body, Spirit Cleanse, by clicking here.