The Survivor


Your eating style is best defined as The Survivor

You want to take good care of your body. You want to feel good and have lots of energy. You have also been taught that in order to find safety and belonging, it's important that your body looks good and that you aren't too much bigger or smaller than everyone else. 

It's not your fault. We are taught in our culture to value thinness and to equate our size with our worth. As a result, we develop habits and behaviors, like dieting, in order to fit in and be safe. 

Once we start to judge and restrict and oppress ourselves, we often forget where those ideas even came from. We become so focused on weight and appearance that we lose touch with our own inner guidance. 

We get caught in an endless cycle of diets and programs that promise to help us lose weight and feel great. We often forget what we were even trying to lose weight for. 

We end up stuck in our heads, out of touch with our bodies, and wondering how to get off this crazy train. We just want it to stop! 

Good news! By completing this quiz, you’ve taken a giant step toward understanding and healing your relationship with food and body. Knowing that your behaviors are your body's brilliant way of trying to adapt and survive is useful information! 

This relationship you have with food and body has served a purpose, and maybe it's not serving it anymore. By investing time and energy into understanding your patterns and reprogramming your mindset, you will be well on your way to more peace, ease, and joy with your body and with food. 

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

- Carl Jung

You Are Not Alone


I once stood in your shoes.

Weight Watchers, Atkins, Paleo, The Sonoma Diet, Flat Belly Diet, The Fast Metabolism Diet; I tried them all.

It wasn’t until I asked myself why that I started moving in the direction of where I wanted to go.

Hello! I’m Elizabeth Hall, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Professional Life Coach

After three decades of dieting and trying to change my body from a place of despair and disgust, I finally learned how to nourish and care for my body in a way that feels joyous, easy, and free. Now I use my experience and my knowledge to support others on their path to freedom as well. 

If you feel like you are often trapped in your head and you have lost touch with your body, and you are tired of thinking about food all the freaking time and constantly searching for answers, I can help. You actually have all of the answers inside you, we simply need to find out what is getting in the way of your trusting that you already know what to do.

Do you want to learn how to listen to your body?  

Sign up here for a free 45-minute discovery call to explore
how you can shift your relationship with food and body.

In addition, I'm excited to support you with my weekly newsletter
offering support and guidance on your path to peace with food.