The Social Butterfly


Your eating style is best defined as The Social Butterfly

You either love to be around people or being around people makes you nervous and sometimes it's a mixture of both. Either way, when you are in a crowd or social event you seem to lose all touch with your body and your eating. 

For example, you might find any of the following happens to you:

You either eat too much of what you don't really want because everyone else is eating it. 

Or you don't eat what you do want because no one else is eating it. 

You might also find that you don't notice what or how much you are eating because you are having so much fun, or you tend to eat non-stop to soothe the frazzled nerves from being in a crowd. 

What is missing in both of these cases is giving your body enough of a say in what it needs. Without awareness, centering, and grounding, it may be easy to "get lost in the crowd" when it comes to your eating. 

Good news! By completing this quiz, you’ve taken a giant step toward understanding and healing your relationship with food and body. Knowing that your awareness tends to fly the coop when in a crowd or social situation is great to know! 

Your body is brilliant and is always doing the best it can at the moment to support you. By investing time and energy into understanding your patterns and reprogramming your mindset, you can learn how to return the favor and start to support your body in a way that will bring you more peace, ease, and joy with your body and with food. 

“When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”

-Eckhart Tolle

You Are Not Alone


I once stood in your shoes. I remember coming home from parties having eaten way too much or too little, and finding myself eating all over again either way.

I have ordered foods I never wanted to actually eat in restaurants and passed on foods I did want to eat based on who I was with and what I was doing.

Hello! I’m Elizabeth Hall, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Professional Life Coach

After three decades of dieting and trying to change my body from a place of despair and disgust, I finally learned how to nourish and care for my body in a way that feels joyous, easy, and free. Now I use my experience and my knowledge to support others on their path to freedom as well. 

If you are tired of the tug of war between you and your food, I can help you access the answers you are looking for. You actually have all of the answers inside. What gets in your way of trusting that you already know what to do?

Do you want to learn how to listen to your body?  

Sign up here for a free 45-minute discovery call to explore
how you can shift your relationship with food and body.

In addition, I'm excited to support you with my weekly newsletter
offering support and guidance on your path to peace with food.